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Tag: Education Reform Total: 33 results found.

The Common Core tests aren’t in their final form yet, but next week students across the country will still sit down in front of computers to take them.  This is happening as part of the nationwide field testing between PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers) and the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium.

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By 2050, white, non-Hispanics will be the minority in America. Currently, already half of babies born today are Hispanic, African American, Asian, or Native American. This major shift in demographics intensifies the important role of education reform in this country, especially in underserved communities with struggling schools.   Continue Reading...
Statistics: Male Students Are Falling Behind
posted by: Ruthie | July 12, 2013, 05:30 PM

Our great nation is known for the constant pursuit of equality and for “offering every citizen “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” In education, while there is an increasing focus on minority achievement, especially for African American and Hispanic students, few people are acknowledging the growing disparity in gender achievement in the United States.

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One thing on which everyone in the education community can agree is the fact that effective teachers are the key to the overall success of our school system. In light of this consensus, the Department of Education has spent the past several years studying the behavior of new teachers and their career paths, of which the findings were released last week in an ongoing study. In an effort to understand the typical career journey of a new educator, the study tracks 2,000 teachers as they begin their teaching careers and follows their behavior patterns as they continue in both elementary and secondary settings.   Continue Reading...
Virtual Education on the Rise
posted by: Colin | September 13, 2011, 02:02 PM
With back-to-school season in full swing, this school year's increase in virtual education programs is noticeable almost nationwide. Currently, 40 states offer or sanction some type of online education for their students, with other states considering proposals ever legislation session. As we look forward to closing achievement gaps in the years ahead, virtual education advocates are calling online learning a solution for students and teachers alike.   Continue Reading...
President Obama stopped in Memphis, Tennessee yesterday to deliver Booker T. Washington High School's key note graduation address as part of the Department of Education's Commencement Challenge for 2011. Washington High secured the historic address from the President by illustrating how it overcame a history of disciplinary problems and high dropout rates by implementing reforms and turning the school into a sanctuary for troubled kids in inner city Memphis.   Continue Reading...
StudentsFirst Expanding to Include Fellowships
posted by: Colin | April 29, 2011, 11:45 AM
StudentsFirst, the new national organization behind education reform efforts across the country, announced this week that they are expanding to include fellowships for teachers. The Michelle Rhee fronted advocacy organization is offering opportunities for current teachers and education reformers to become leaders in the education reform movement via her new senior-level fellowship program.   Continue Reading...
Union Legislation National Developments
posted by: Colin | April 11, 2011, 06:45 PM
Beginning in Wisconsin, legislation aimed at curbing union power, advancing education reform policy, and ending forced unionism has spread across the country. Currently states in every part of the country are in various stages of passing their own laws as the protests and debates rage on. The national unions and their state counterparts are on the defensive, organizing large ballot initiative campaigns and considering increasing their dues to pay for their efforts to preserve their monopolies. Make sure to follow the news in your state by reading AAE's daily blog posts.   Continue Reading...
Supreme Courts Rules in Favor of Tax Credits
posted by: Colin | April 05, 2011, 06:45 PM
Yesterday the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that ordinary taxpayers cannot challenge government programs that use tax breaks to direct money to religious activities and schools, providing a huge victory for school choice advocates nationwide.   Continue Reading...
AAE Federal Update March 22, 2011
posted by: Colin | March 23, 2011, 07:30 PM
International Summit on Teaching Profession Convenes in New YorkLast week, the Department of Education hosted a two-day conference focusing on best practices in building a world-class teaching force. Held in New York City, the conference brought American teachers and administrators together with several foreign high-performing countries.   Continue Reading...
Performance Pay Developments
posted by: Colin | March 22, 2011, 07:30 PM
Performance pay continues to be one of the most hot-button education reform policies being proposed by reformers and lawmakers across the country. Last week, Senate Bill 736 passed in Florida and it is now awaiting Governor Scott's signature. Among other broad reforms, the Florida bill is one of the most progressive in terms of performance pay, also known as merit pay. It requires 50 percent of a teacher's evaluation to be based on state standardized tests or other national, local, or industry measures for those subjects not gauged at the state level and evaluations are based on four distinct levels of teacher performance.   Continue Reading...
Joel Klein Pens op-ed on School Reform and Teachers
posted by: Colin | March 14, 2011, 07:30 PM
Former Chancellor of New York City public schools Joel Klein as featured in the Washington Post this weekend:   Continue Reading...
Wisconsin Passes Labor Bill
posted by: Colin | March 10, 2011, 07:30 PM

After a month of union led protests, national media attention, walk-outs, and closed schools, Republicans in the Wisconsin state Senate and Assembly have finally approved Governor Scott Walker’s budget repair bill. The Governor is expected to sign it imminently.

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Gary Beckner op-ed on Union Battle
posted by: Colin | February 24, 2011, 07:30 PM
AAE Executive Director Gary Beckner op-ed as featured on the Washington Times website:   Continue Reading...
Obama Meets Technology Executives
posted by: Colin | February 22, 2011, 07:30 PM
Last week President Obama unveiled his federal budget to mixed reviews from both parties. Among the proposals was the administration's commitment to increasing investments in new education technology. Thursday evening President Obama met with some of the biggest Silicon Valley names to discuss his plans and gain support for his technology agenda.   Continue Reading...
Stranger than Fiction: Vandalism in Idaho
posted by: Colin | February 21, 2011, 07:30 PM
Idaho State Superintendent Tom Luna experienced quite the scare this week, waking up to an act of vandalism in his driveway. In the wake of his proposed bold education reform agenda, Mr. Luna has received quite the union push back to say the least. Luna's truck was left spray painted and the tires slashed Tuesday morning resulting in fingers pointing in the direction of the Idaho Education Association, Luna's biggest critic.   Continue Reading...
A recent report by the Education Intelligence Agency sheds light on the financial disclosures of the American Federation of Teachers in the 2009-2010 fiscal year. The analysis reveals that the AFT spent $2.6 million of member dues on a wide array of left-leaning advocacy groups, charities, and big labor organizations.   Continue Reading...
Superintendent Salaries Targeted in Budget Cuts
posted by: Colin | February 07, 2011, 07:30 PM
Recently governors across the country have made national headlines bringing the salaries of district superintendents to light. While all of these salaries are a matter of public record, the public has become particularly outraged with the astronomical salaries of administrators at a time when school systems everywhere are seeking to cut back.   Continue Reading...
AAE Executive Director Gary Beckner op-ed as featured on the Washington Examiner's website:   Continue Reading...
Obama Talks Education in State of the Union
posted by: Colin | January 27, 2011, 07:30 PM
President Obama devoted an unprecedented amount of time to education in Tuesday's State of the Union address. Using his yearly platform, the President put education front and center on the national stage and challenged the newly divided Congress to come together on this traditionally bi-partisan issue.   Continue Reading...
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