AFT Financial Disclosures Shed Light on Contributions to Partisan Politics |
posted by: Colin | February 15, 2011, 07:30 PM |
It is important to distinguish the fact that this money is not from the AFT political action committee, rather directly comprised of AFT member dues. Despite claims from the union that member dues stay local, the complete list speaks volumes about where member dues are going. Among the shocking contributions, financial support was given to groups such as the shamed community group ACORN, a group that promotes the foreign policy of Secretary Clinton, and several big labor foundations and policy organizations. While the money the AFT spends is not as high as the larger NEA, the contributions highlight the AFT's commitment to big labor. Unlike the NEA, the AFT rarely sent contributions directly to ballot initiative campaigns rather focused funding on other unions and union coalition groups. It would be safe to say that the NEA finds it more beneficial to spend member dues on partisan political ballot initiatives that prevent reforms while the AFT prefers to focus on lifting up other unions. Together the NEA and AFT spend countless millions of member dues on a hard lined liberal agenda despite the political preferences of their members. Fed up? At AAE we pride ourselves on operating on a lean budget to exclusively spend membership dues on liability insurance and professional benefits. We do not support partisan politics and do not take positions on issues unrelated to education. Let a teacher know that they do have a choice. Join AAE today. Take a moment to peruse the list for yourself. Would you want your money going to these groups? ACORN - $22,770 Alliance for Retired Americans - $6,500 American Friends of the Yitzhak Rabin Center - $11,000 American Labor Studies Center - $5,000 The American Prospect - $100,000 Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance - $5,000 Blue Green Alliance Foundation - $81,995 Center for American Progress - $25,000 Center for Citizenship Education (Mongolia) - $17,025 Center for Tax and Budget Accountability - $100,000 Child Labor Coalition - $5,000 Children's Defense Fund - $7,000 Clergy Strategic Alliances - $96,485 Coalition of Black Trade Unionists - $5,000 Coalition of Labor Union Women - $5,000 Committee for Education Funding - $19,357 Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. - $45,000 Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute - $30,000 Council on Competitiveness - $5,000 Demos - $10,000 Economic Policy Institute - $356,522 Freedom House - $30,000 Harvard Labor and Worklife Program - $5,000 Health Care for America Now! - $100,000 Healthy Schools Campaign - $5,500 Houston Turnout Project - $10,000 Interfaith Worker Justice - $5,000 International Labor Rights Forum - $5,500 Jewish Labor Committee - $9,000 Jobs with Justice - $15,250 Justice Resource Center - $12,266 Keystone Research Center - $13,750 Labor Council for Latin American Advancement - $27,647 Labor Project for Working Families - $7,500 Leadership Conference on Civil Rights - $50,000 League of United Latin American Citizens - $15,000 Learning First Alliance - $107,658 Medicare Rights Center - $15,750 NAACP - $81,500 National Black Caucus of State Legislators - $11,500 National Coalition on Black Civic Participation - $15,000 National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education - $52,800 National Council of La Raza - $32,000 National Conference of State Legislatures - $42,263 National Council of Negro Women - $25,000 National Democratic Institute - $50,000 National Endowment for Democracy - $12,500 National Italian American Foundation - $5,000 National Labor College - $246,670 National Staff Development Council - $25,000 Netroots Nation - $50,000 New Mexico Voices for Children - $20,000 Labor-Religion Coalition of New York State - $5,000 No Limits Foundation - $25,000 The Peggy Browning Fund - $5,500 Policy Matters Ohio - $50,000 Project New West - $10,000 Rainbow PUSH Coalition - $25,000 Rebuild America's Schools - $30,000 SHARE - $10,000 Special Olympics - $50,000 Unite L.A. - $50,000 United Way of the National Capital Area - $10,000 U.S. Hispanic Leadership Institute - $15,000 Voices for America's Children - $5,000 Workers Independent News - $50,000 Working America - $200,000 >> Originally posted by Alix on the AAE Blog.
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