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Tag: Education Reform Total: 33 results found.
Welcome to National School Choice Week
posted by: Colin | January 24, 2011, 07:30 PM
The first ever National School Choice Week started yesterday! This week, January 23-29, groups of students, parents, and teachers are joining hands in supporting choice in education. Grassroots organizations from all over the country are celebrating this monumental occasion with events in almost every state.   Continue Reading...
A recent report by the Education Intelligence Agency sheds light on the financial disclosures of the National Education Association in the 2009-2010 fiscal year. The analysis reveals that the NEA spent $13 million dollars of member dues on a wide array of left-leaning advocacy groups and charities.   Continue Reading...
Governors’ Tough Talk on Tenure
posted by: Colin | January 18, 2011, 07:30 PM
Last week in State of the State addresses in New Jersey, Idaho, and Florida, tough talking governors focused on education reform proposals all centered on eliminating tenure for public school teachers. With the issue of tenure making headlines lately, the support for elimination has been gaining steam nationwide.   Continue Reading...
Gary Beckner op-ed on School Choice
posted by: Colin | January 12, 2011, 07:30 PM
AAE Executive Director Gary Beckner op-ed on National School Choice Week as featured on Townhall Magazine's website:   Continue Reading...
Teacher-Run Schools Gaining Popularity
posted by: Colin | January 04, 2011, 07:30 PM
A public charter school in St. Paul, Minnesota has been gaining national attention for its innovative vision and spin on learning. The Avalon School is a teacher-run school with no administrators, secretaries or even librarians. This school and others like it have been gaining steam as a means to challenge the classic public school environment, and according to a new study, are producing results.   Continue Reading...
Study: Poor Performing Schools Rarely Get Shut Down
posted by: Colin | December 17, 2010, 07:30 PM

Despite tough talk from politicians, school officials and reformers, underperforming schools are rarely closed according to a new study. Released this week by the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, the report finds that low-performing public schools—both charter and traditional schools—are often resistant to significant change and are rarely closed completely.

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According to a new poll released today by the Associated Press and Stanford University, an overwhelming majority believe that it is necessary to fire bad teachers, but in contrast believe that teachers are paid too little.   Continue Reading...
Stranger Than Fiction: Inner-City Parents Take Over School
posted by: Colin | December 10, 2010, 07:30 PM
This week, an elementary school in Compton, California is receiving national attention after a group of parents banded together to force improvements at the failing institution. Yelling "yes we can!" and "si se puede!" a busload of parents on Tuesday became the first in California to try to force reforms at their child's school using a new law designed to help parents take back schools.   Continue Reading...
Teach for America Getting Rave Reviews
posted by: Colin | December 06, 2010, 07:30 PM
Teach for America, a non-profit organization that recruits recent college graduates and professionals to teach in high-need schools for two years, has been in the headlines recently as the school reform debate rages on. Both sides agree that finding highly effective teachers is the most critical component in improving student performance, Teach for America is seen as part of the solution.   Continue Reading...
New Developments in the Class Size Debate
posted by: Colin | November 30, 2010, 09:12 PM
A few years ago, class size seemed to be one of the most talked about classroom policies. Smaller class sizes would lessen the load on an educator and give students a more individualized classroom experience, right? Well, just as fast as class sizes went down, they are now creeping back up and gaining attention in certain states struggling with budget shortfalls.   Continue Reading...
Gary Beckner op-ed on 2010 Member Survey
posted by: Colin | November 19, 2010, 06:10 PM
AAE Executive Director Gary Beckner op-ed on the 2010 member survey as featured on Townhall Magazine's website:   Continue Reading...
Does Teacher Education Need Reform?
posted by: Colin | November 18, 2010, 09:12 PM
Recently experts have focused their attention on not only the need to reform the classroom, but the need for reform in educating our future teachers. Many colleges of education have done little to keep up with emerging technologies and teaching techniques. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan once said, "Our university-based teacher preparation programs need revolutionary change, not evolutionary tinkering." To that end, an emphasis on intense in-classroom training has been the focus of change for a new pilot program being introduced in eight states.   Continue Reading...
Are Longer School Days Coming?
posted by: Colin | November 01, 2010, 09:12 PM

During Education Nation on NBC last month, President Obama recommended lengthening the school day and year as a potential solution to our children falling behind. The suggestion inspired praise from some reformers and critique from others, citing more expenses and stringent union contracts. Are longer days and shorter summers the wave of the future for students and teachers?

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